Labfon – Summer Training in Experimental Methods
Acquiring applied knowledge about experimental methodologies to study voice, speech, language and behaviour, following a hands-on approach.
Students (undergraduate and graduate) and researchers interested in language, and language related areas, professionals (educators, teachers, psychologists, audiologists, and speech therapists).
We are monitoring the COVID-19 situation and thus have rescheduled STEM. The Summer Course will be held in September. All registered participants will be kept updated. Please also check our Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.
Registration is now open for the Summer School (organization: Phonetics and Phonology Lab, Departamento de Linguística Geral e Românica, CLUL, FLUL)
Register until June 30, 2020.
Places are limited.
More information here
Horizon 21
Course I:
Praat - introduction to acoustic analysis with Praat; basic and advanced functions; analysis of typical and atypical adult and child speech; speech analysis in forensics.
Colombo, J. & D. Wayne Mitchell. 2009. Infant Visual Habituation.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 92(2): 225–234.
Falck-Ytter, T., S. Bölte & G. Gredebäck. 2013. Eye Tracking in Early Autism Research.
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 5(1): 1-13.
Friederici, A. D. & M. A. Skeide. 2015. Neurocognition of language development. In Edith L. Bavin & Letitia R. Naigles (eds.)
The Cambridge Handbook of Child Language (pp. 61-88). [Online]. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gredebäck, G., S. Johnson & C. Von Hofsten. 2009. Eye Tracking in Infancy Research.
Developmental Neuropsychology 35(1): 1-19.
Holmqvist, K. 2011.
Eye Tracking: A Comprehensive Guide to Methods and Measures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mathôt, S., Schreij, D., & Theeuwes, J. (2012). OpenSesame: An open-source, graphical experiment builder for the social sciences.
Behavior Research Methods, 44(2), 314-324. doi:
Picton, T.W., S. Bentin, P. Berg, E. Donchin, S. A. Hillyard, R. Johnson, G. A. Miller, W. Ritter, D. S. Ruchkin, M. D. Rugg & M. J. Taylor. 2000. Guidelines for using human event-related potentials to study cognition: recording standards and publication criteria.
Psychophysiology 37: 127-152.
PsyClass - Classical Experiments in Psychology. Cedrus Corporation,
Simonet, M. (2001) Technology in Phonetic Science: Setting Up a Basic Phonetics Laboratory.
Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, volume 4, Issue 2.
Styler, W. 2016.
Using Praat for Linguistic Research. Will Styler’s Homepage. URL:
Turk, A., S. Nakai & M. Sugahara. 2006. Acoustic segment durations in prosodic research: a practical guide. In Stefan Sudhoff, Denisa Lenertova, Roland Meyer, Sandra Pappert, Petra Augurzky, Ina Mleinek, Nicole Richter & Johannes Schliesser (eds.).
Methods in Empirical Prosody Research. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Course II:
Praat (for advanced users) - using scripts, manipulating sound files, and extracting data.
Colombo, J. & D. Wayne Mitchell. 2009. Infant Visual Habituation.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 92(2): 225–234.
Falck-Ytter, T., S. Bölte & G. Gredebäck. 2013. Eye Tracking in Early Autism Research.
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 5(1): 1-13.
Friederici, A. D. & M. A. Skeide. 2015. Neurocognition of language development. In Edith L. Bavin & Letitia R. Naigles (eds.)
The Cambridge Handbook of Child Language (pp. 61-88). [Online]. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gredebäck, G., S. Johnson & C. Von Hofsten. 2009. Eye Tracking in Infancy Research.
Developmental Neuropsychology 35(1): 1-19.
Holmqvist, K. 2011.
Eye Tracking: A Comprehensive Guide to Methods and Measures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mathôt, S., Schreij, D., & Theeuwes, J. (2012). OpenSesame: An open-source, graphical experiment builder for the social sciences.
Behavior Research Methods, 44(2), 314-324. doi:
Picton, T.W., S. Bentin, P. Berg, E. Donchin, S. A. Hillyard, R. Johnson, G. A. Miller, W. Ritter, D. S. Ruchkin, M. D. Rugg & M. J. Taylor. 2000. Guidelines for using human event-related potentials to study cognition: recording standards and publication criteria.
Psychophysiology 37: 127-152.
PsyClass - Classical Experiments in Psychology. Cedrus Corporation,
Simonet, M. (2001) Technology in Phonetic Science: Setting Up a Basic Phonetics Laboratory.
Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, volume 4, Issue 2.
Styler, W. 2016.
Using Praat for Linguistic Research. Will Styler’s Homepage. URL:
Turk, A., S. Nakai & M. Sugahara. 2006. Acoustic segment durations in prosodic research: a practical guide. In Stefan Sudhoff, Denisa Lenertova, Roland Meyer, Sandra Pappert, Petra Augurzky, Ina Mleinek, Nicole Richter & Johannes Schliesser (eds.).
Methods in Empirical Prosody Research. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Course III:
Tools for the study of perception - Introduction to some of the most common paradigms for the study of perception. Basic functions of software used to run perception experiments with children and adults (SuperLab, Experiment Builder, inter alia).
Colombo, J. & D. Wayne Mitchell. 2009. Infant Visual Habituation.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 92(2): 225–234.
Falck-Ytter, T., S. Bölte & G. Gredebäck. 2013. Eye Tracking in Early Autism Research.
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 5(1): 1-13.
Friederici, A. D. & M. A. Skeide. 2015. Neurocognition of language development. In Edith L. Bavin & Letitia R. Naigles (eds.)
The Cambridge Handbook of Child Language (pp. 61-88). [Online]. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gredebäck, G., S. Johnson & C. Von Hofsten. 2009. Eye Tracking in Infancy Research.
Developmental Neuropsychology 35(1): 1-19.
Holmqvist, K. 2011.
Eye Tracking: A Comprehensive Guide to Methods and Measures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mathôt, S., Schreij, D., & Theeuwes, J. (2012). OpenSesame: An open-source, graphical experiment builder for the social sciences.
Behavior Research Methods, 44(2), 314-324. doi:
Picton, T.W., S. Bentin, P. Berg, E. Donchin, S. A. Hillyard, R. Johnson, G. A. Miller, W. Ritter, D. S. Ruchkin, M. D. Rugg & M. J. Taylor. 2000. Guidelines for using human event-related potentials to study cognition: recording standards and publication criteria.
Psychophysiology 37: 127-152.
PsyClass - Classical Experiments in Psychology. Cedrus Corporation,
Simonet, M. (2001) Technology in Phonetic Science: Setting Up a Basic Phonetics Laboratory.
Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, volume 4, Issue 2.
Styler, W. 2016.
Using Praat for Linguistic Research. Will Styler’s Homepage. URL:
Turk, A., S. Nakai & M. Sugahara. 2006. Acoustic segment durations in prosodic research: a practical guide. In Stefan Sudhoff, Denisa Lenertova, Roland Meyer, Sandra Pappert, Petra Augurzky, Ina Mleinek, Nicole Richter & Johannes Schliesser (eds.).
Methods in Empirical Prosody Research. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Course IV:
Studying perception: Advanced - The advanced level not only covers more tools (OpenSesame, Look, etc), and the challenges of online testing, but also offers an hands-on session for the development of a small project.
Colombo, J. & D. Wayne Mitchell. 2009. Infant Visual Habituation.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 92(2): 225–234.
Falck-Ytter, T., S. Bölte & G. Gredebäck. 2013. Eye Tracking in Early Autism Research.
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 5(1): 1-13.
Friederici, A. D. & M. A. Skeide. 2015. Neurocognition of language development. In Edith L. Bavin & Letitia R. Naigles (eds.)
The Cambridge Handbook of Child Language (pp. 61-88). [Online]. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gredebäck, G., S. Johnson & C. Von Hofsten. 2009. Eye Tracking in Infancy Research.
Developmental Neuropsychology 35(1): 1-19.
Holmqvist, K. 2011.
Eye Tracking: A Comprehensive Guide to Methods and Measures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mathôt, S., Schreij, D., & Theeuwes, J. (2012). OpenSesame: An open-source, graphical experiment builder for the social sciences.
Behavior Research Methods, 44(2), 314-324. doi:
Picton, T.W., S. Bentin, P. Berg, E. Donchin, S. A. Hillyard, R. Johnson, G. A. Miller, W. Ritter, D. S. Ruchkin, M. D. Rugg & M. J. Taylor. 2000. Guidelines for using human event-related potentials to study cognition: recording standards and publication criteria.
Psychophysiology 37: 127-152.
PsyClass - Classical Experiments in Psychology. Cedrus Corporation,
Simonet, M. (2001) Technology in Phonetic Science: Setting Up a Basic Phonetics Laboratory.
Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, volume 4, Issue 2.
Styler, W. 2016.
Using Praat for Linguistic Research. Will Styler’s Homepage. URL:
Turk, A., S. Nakai & M. Sugahara. 2006. Acoustic segment durations in prosodic research: a practical guide. In Stefan Sudhoff, Denisa Lenertova, Roland Meyer, Sandra Pappert, Petra Augurzky, Ina Mleinek, Nicole Richter & Johannes Schliesser (eds.).
Methods in Empirical Prosody Research. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Course V:
Eye-tracking - introduction to eye-tracking; basic and advanced software functions to design and run experiments (SMI RED 500 system, iView, Experiment Centre, BeGaze, Observational Package and Video Package).
Colombo, J. & D. Wayne Mitchell. 2009. Infant Visual Habituation.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 92(2): 225–234.
Falck-Ytter, T., S. Bölte & G. Gredebäck. 2013. Eye Tracking in Early Autism Research.
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 5(1): 1-13.
Friederici, A. D. & M. A. Skeide. 2015. Neurocognition of language development. In Edith L. Bavin & Letitia R. Naigles (eds.)
The Cambridge Handbook of Child Language (pp. 61-88). [Online]. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gredebäck, G., S. Johnson & C. Von Hofsten. 2009. Eye Tracking in Infancy Research.
Developmental Neuropsychology 35(1): 1-19.
Holmqvist, K. 2011.
Eye Tracking: A Comprehensive Guide to Methods and Measures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mathôt, S., Schreij, D., & Theeuwes, J. (2012). OpenSesame: An open-source, graphical experiment builder for the social sciences.
Behavior Research Methods, 44(2), 314-324. doi:
Picton, T.W., S. Bentin, P. Berg, E. Donchin, S. A. Hillyard, R. Johnson, G. A. Miller, W. Ritter, D. S. Ruchkin, M. D. Rugg & M. J. Taylor. 2000. Guidelines for using human event-related potentials to study cognition: recording standards and publication criteria.
Psychophysiology 37: 127-152.
PsyClass - Classical Experiments in Psychology. Cedrus Corporation,
Simonet, M. (2001) Technology in Phonetic Science: Setting Up a Basic Phonetics Laboratory.
Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, volume 4, Issue 2.
Styler, W. 2016.
Using Praat for Linguistic Research. Will Styler’s Homepage. URL:
Turk, A., S. Nakai & M. Sugahara. 2006. Acoustic segment durations in prosodic research: a practical guide. In Stefan Sudhoff, Denisa Lenertova, Roland Meyer, Sandra Pappert, Petra Augurzky, Ina Mleinek, Nicole Richter & Johannes Schliesser (eds.).
Methods in Empirical Prosody Research. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Course VI:
Eye-tracking (for advanced users) - experimental design with different paradigms; data analysis functions.
Colombo, J. & D. Wayne Mitchell. 2009. Infant Visual Habituation.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 92(2): 225–234.
Falck-Ytter, T., S. Bölte & G. Gredebäck. 2013. Eye Tracking in Early Autism Research.
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 5(1): 1-13.
Friederici, A. D. & M. A. Skeide. 2015. Neurocognition of language development. In Edith L. Bavin & Letitia R. Naigles (eds.)
The Cambridge Handbook of Child Language (pp. 61-88). [Online]. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gredebäck, G., S. Johnson & C. Von Hofsten. 2009. Eye Tracking in Infancy Research.
Developmental Neuropsychology 35(1): 1-19.
Holmqvist, K. 2011.
Eye Tracking: A Comprehensive Guide to Methods and Measures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mathôt, S., Schreij, D., & Theeuwes, J. (2012). OpenSesame: An open-source, graphical experiment builder for the social sciences.
Behavior Research Methods, 44(2), 314-324. doi:
Picton, T.W., S. Bentin, P. Berg, E. Donchin, S. A. Hillyard, R. Johnson, G. A. Miller, W. Ritter, D. S. Ruchkin, M. D. Rugg & M. J. Taylor. 2000. Guidelines for using human event-related potentials to study cognition: recording standards and publication criteria.
Psychophysiology 37: 127-152.
PsyClass - Classical Experiments in Psychology. Cedrus Corporation,
Simonet, M. (2001) Technology in Phonetic Science: Setting Up a Basic Phonetics Laboratory.
Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, volume 4, Issue 2.
Styler, W. 2016.
Using Praat for Linguistic Research. Will Styler’s Homepage. URL:
Turk, A., S. Nakai & M. Sugahara. 2006. Acoustic segment durations in prosodic research: a practical guide. In Stefan Sudhoff, Denisa Lenertova, Roland Meyer, Sandra Pappert, Petra Augurzky, Ina Mleinek, Nicole Richter & Johannes Schliesser (eds.).
Methods in Empirical Prosody Research. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Course VII:
Electroencephalography and Event Related Potentials – Introduction to EEG and ERP; basics of how to conduct an ERP study; data collection and data analysis; artifacts, filtering, segmentation, averaging (Synamps RT, Curry Package).
Colombo, J. & D. Wayne Mitchell. 2009. Infant Visual Habituation.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 92(2): 225–234.
Falck-Ytter, T., S. Bölte & G. Gredebäck. 2013. Eye Tracking in Early Autism Research.
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 5(1): 1-13.
Friederici, A. D. & M. A. Skeide. 2015. Neurocognition of language development. In Edith L. Bavin & Letitia R. Naigles (eds.)
The Cambridge Handbook of Child Language (pp. 61-88). [Online]. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gredebäck, G., S. Johnson & C. Von Hofsten. 2009. Eye Tracking in Infancy Research.
Developmental Neuropsychology 35(1): 1-19.
Holmqvist, K. 2011.
Eye Tracking: A Comprehensive Guide to Methods and Measures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mathôt, S., Schreij, D., & Theeuwes, J. (2012). OpenSesame: An open-source, graphical experiment builder for the social sciences.
Behavior Research Methods, 44(2), 314-324. doi:
Picton, T.W., S. Bentin, P. Berg, E. Donchin, S. A. Hillyard, R. Johnson, G. A. Miller, W. Ritter, D. S. Ruchkin, M. D. Rugg & M. J. Taylor. 2000. Guidelines for using human event-related potentials to study cognition: recording standards and publication criteria.
Psychophysiology 37: 127-152.
PsyClass - Classical Experiments in Psychology. Cedrus Corporation,
Simonet, M. (2001) Technology in Phonetic Science: Setting Up a Basic Phonetics Laboratory.
Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, volume 4, Issue 2.
Styler, W. 2016.
Using Praat for Linguistic Research. Will Styler’s Homepage. URL:
Turk, A., S. Nakai & M. Sugahara. 2006. Acoustic segment durations in prosodic research: a practical guide. In Stefan Sudhoff, Denisa Lenertova, Roland Meyer, Sandra Pappert, Petra Augurzky, Ina Mleinek, Nicole Richter & Johannes Schliesser (eds.).
Methods in Empirical Prosody Research. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.