Workshop of Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of Portuguese

1st Workshop of the Project Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of Portuguese

Laboratório de Fonética
Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa

June 27, 2013
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa
Amphitheatre II

Program (.pdf version)

10.00: Sónia Frota & Marisa Cruz
The Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of Portuguese (InAPoP) Project

10.25: Marisa Cruz, Pedro Oliveira & Pedro Palma
The InAPoP web platform: mapping prosodic variation

10.50: Marina Vigário, Marisa Cruz, Pedro Oliveira & Nuno Paulino
Prosodic phrasing across varieties of European Portuguese: segmental evidence

11.20: Coffee Break

11.40: Sónia Frota & Marina Vigário
The prosodic system of Portuguese: an interim overview

12.10: Barbara Gili-Fivela, Brechtje Post & Pilar Prieto
Panel: Portuguese within Romance

  • Pilar Prieto's presentation (.pdf)

12.50: Martine Grice & José Ignacio Hualde
Final Comments

13.20: Final discussion

13.30: Lunch