
Linguistic Diary of Luma Lexicon

Supported by the Projects POCTI-SFA-17-745 and PTDC/LIN/70367/2006, FCT - Portugal

Frota, S., M. Vigário & R. Jordão  (2008) LumaLiDaOnLexicon (Version 1).
Lisbon: Laboratório de Fonética da FLUL [ISBN : 978-989-95713-1-0; ISLRN 102-173-328-986-1]

Collaborators: Marisa Cruz, Susana Correia, Teresa Costa


Short description 

    LumaLiDaOnLexicon (Version 1) contains the lexicon used by the child in LumaLiDaOn (between 01;01.26 and 03;00.07). The child has uttered 17.229 words, and the number of different words produced is 2079. The lexical database (in Excel format) consists of 3 columns:


(A) Orthographic words (target orthography)


(B) Frequency of orthographic words (obtained with FreP)


(C) Phonetic transcription in SAMPA (target transcription)

Transcription criteria: see the transcription criteria for LumaLiDaOn (Version 1)

User agreement:

    Please read this user agreement carefully before using LumaLiDaOnLexicon. By using LumaLiDaOnLexicon, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this agreement.

    Usage of the lexical database entails knowledge and acceptance of the following: (i) usage is restricted to academic research and teaching activities; (ii) users are obliged to always refer to the source as Frota, S., M. Vigário & R. Jordão (2008) LumaLiDaOnLexicon. Lisbon: Laboratório de Fonética da FLUL (; (iii) authors would appreciate user feedback.

To use the database, please register first by sending an e-mail to labfon AT with the following information: name, institutional address, e-mail address for contact. You will be sent a message with instructions on how to access the database file.


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