
Frequency Patterns of Phonological Objects in Portuguese - Research and Applications

Project summary (see pdf)

Project full text (see pdf)


Project structure: Seven tasks

1 - Developing FreP - adding new functions to the electronic tool:

Coordinated by Marina Vigário

2 - Systematic testing, evaluation and improvement of the tool:

Coordinated by Sónia Frota

3 - Creation of a database of frequency information for phonological objects in several types of corpora: Coordinated by Sónia Frota

4 - Using FreP as a teaching/learning instrument: development of new materials:

Coordinated by Marina Vigário

5 - Fundamental research on the role of frequency in language acquisition:

Coordinated by Sónia Frota

6 - Fundamental research on the role of frequency in adult phonology:

Coordinated by Marina Vigário

7 - Application of FreP to forensic research – towards objective measures for speaker recognition:

Coordinated by Fernando Martins and Marina Vigário.

Project outputs (see Tools & Resources)

Project reports:

Report for Year 1 (see pdf)        Report for Year 2 (see pdf, english version here))        Final Report (see pdf)