Adquirir conhecimentos aplicados sobre metodologias experimentais no âmbito do estudo da voz, fala, linguagem e comportamento.
21 a 23 de Março de 2016
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20 vagas por módulo
inscrição em 1 (um) módulo: € 100,00
inscrição em 3 (três) módulos: € 250,00
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Prazo para inscrição: 14 de Março de 2016
Prazo pagamento (transferência bancária): 16 de Março de 2016
Introdução à análise acústica; funções básicas e avançadas do software de análise acústica Praat; análise de fala típica e desviante, em adultos e crianças; análise de fala em contexto forense.
Bibliografia geral:
Colombo, J. & D. Wayne Mitchell. 2009. Infant Visual Habituation. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 92(2): 225–234.
Falck-Ytter, T., S. Bölte & G. Gredebäck. 2013. Eye Tracking in Early Autism Research. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 5(1): 1-13.
Gredebäck, G., S. Johnson & C. Von Hofsten. 2009. Eye Tracking in Infancy Research. Developmental Neuropsychology 35(1): 1-19.
Holmqvist, K. 2011. Eye Tracking: A Comprehensive Guide to Methods and Measures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Meints, K. & A. Woodford. 2008. Lincoln Infant Lab Pacjage 1.0: A new Programme package for IPL, Preferential Listening, Habituation and Eyetracking [WWW document: Computer software & manual]. URL:
Rose, Y., G. Hedlund, T. Wareham, R. Byrne and B. MacWhinney. 2013. Phon: A Computational Basis for Phonological Database Elaboration and Model Testing. In A. Villavicencio, T. Poibeau, A. Korhonen & A. Alishahi (eds.). Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition. New York: Springer Publishing.
Schneider, W., A. Eschman & A. Zuccolotto. 2002. E-Prime: User's Guide. Pittsburgh, PA: Psychology Software
Simonet, M. (2001) Technology in Phonetic Science: Setting Up a Basic Phonetics Laboratory. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, volume 4, Issue 2.
Styler, W. 2016. Using Praat for Linguistic Research. Will Styler’s Homepage. URL:
Turk, A., S. Nakai & M. Sugahara. 2006. Acoustic segment durations in prosodic research: a practical guide. In Stefan Sudhoff, Denisa Lenertova, Roland Meyer, Sandra Pappert, Petra Augurzky, Ina Mleinek, Nicole Richter & Johannes Schliesser (eds.). Methods in Empirical Prosody Research. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Introdução ao uso de ferramentas
para o estudo da perceção da fala; funções básicas e avançadas de softwares específicos de montagem de experiências em perceção adulta e infantil (SuperLab,
E-Prime e Look).
Bibliografia geral:
Colombo, J. & D. Wayne Mitchell. 2009. Infant Visual Habituation. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 92(2): 225–234.
Falck-Ytter, T., S. Bölte & G. Gredebäck. 2013. Eye Tracking in Early Autism Research. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 5(1): 1-13.
Gredebäck, G., S. Johnson & C. Von Hofsten. 2009. Eye Tracking in Infancy Research. Developmental Neuropsychology 35(1): 1-19.
Holmqvist, K. 2011. Eye Tracking: A Comprehensive Guide to Methods and Measures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Meints, K. & A. Woodford. 2008. Lincoln Infant Lab Pacjage 1.0: A new Programme package for IPL, Preferential Listening, Habituation and Eyetracking [WWW document: Computer software & manual]. URL:
Rose, Y., G. Hedlund, T. Wareham, R. Byrne and B. MacWhinney. 2013. Phon: A Computational Basis for Phonological Database Elaboration and Model Testing. In A. Villavicencio, T. Poibeau, A. Korhonen & A. Alishahi (eds.). Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition. New York: Springer Publishing.
Schneider, W., A. Eschman & A. Zuccolotto. 2002. E-Prime: User's Guide. Pittsburgh, PA: Psychology Software
Simonet, M. (2001) Technology in Phonetic Science: Setting Up a Basic Phonetics Laboratory. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, volume 4, Issue 2.
Styler, W. 2016. Using Praat for Linguistic Research. Will Styler’s Homepage. URL:
Turk, A., S. Nakai & M. Sugahara. 2006. Acoustic segment durations in prosodic research: a practical guide. In Stefan Sudhoff, Denisa Lenertova, Roland Meyer, Sandra Pappert, Petra Augurzky, Ina Mleinek, Nicole Richter & Johannes Schliesser (eds.). Methods in Empirical Prosody Research. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Alfabetos fonéticos (IPA e SAMPA); funções básicas e avançadas do software de transcrição e análise de transcrição fonética Phon; transcrição de fala adulta e infantil, típica ou desviante. Integração entre Phon e Praat.
Bibliografia geral:
Colombo, J. & D. Wayne Mitchell. 2009. Infant Visual Habituation. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 92(2): 225–234.
Falck-Ytter, T., S. Bölte & G. Gredebäck. 2013. Eye Tracking in Early Autism Research. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 5(1): 1-13.
Gredebäck, G., S. Johnson & C. Von Hofsten. 2009. Eye Tracking in Infancy Research. Developmental Neuropsychology 35(1): 1-19.
Holmqvist, K. 2011. Eye Tracking: A Comprehensive Guide to Methods and Measures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Meints, K. & A. Woodford. 2008. Lincoln Infant Lab Pacjage 1.0: A new Programme package for IPL, Preferential Listening, Habituation and Eyetracking [WWW document: Computer software & manual]. URL:
Rose, Y., G. Hedlund, T. Wareham, R. Byrne and B. MacWhinney. 2013. Phon: A Computational Basis for Phonological Database Elaboration and Model Testing. In A. Villavicencio, T. Poibeau, A. Korhonen & A. Alishahi (eds.). Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition. New York: Springer Publishing.
Schneider, W., A. Eschman & A. Zuccolotto. 2002. E-Prime: User's Guide. Pittsburgh, PA: Psychology Software
Simonet, M. (2001) Technology in Phonetic Science: Setting Up a Basic Phonetics Laboratory. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, volume 4, Issue 2.
Styler, W. 2016. Using Praat for Linguistic Research. Will Styler’s Homepage. URL:
Turk, A., S. Nakai & M. Sugahara. 2006. Acoustic segment durations in prosodic research: a practical guide. In Stefan Sudhoff, Denisa Lenertova, Roland Meyer, Sandra Pappert, Petra Augurzky, Ina Mleinek, Nicole Richter & Johannes Schliesser (eds.). Methods in Empirical Prosody Research. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Introdução à utilização de Eye-tracking; funções básicas e avançadas de software para implementação de experiências em eye-tracking e de extração e análise de dados (Sistema SMI RED500: iView, Experiment Centre, BeGaze, Observational Package & Video Package).
Bibliografia geral:
Colombo, J. & D. Wayne Mitchell. 2009. Infant Visual Habituation. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 92(2): 225–234.
Falck-Ytter, T., S. Bölte & G. Gredebäck. 2013. Eye Tracking in Early Autism Research. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 5(1): 1-13.
Gredebäck, G., S. Johnson & C. Von Hofsten. 2009. Eye Tracking in Infancy Research. Developmental Neuropsychology 35(1): 1-19.
Holmqvist, K. 2011. Eye Tracking: A Comprehensive Guide to Methods and Measures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Meints, K. & A. Woodford. 2008. Lincoln Infant Lab Pacjage 1.0: A new Programme package for IPL, Preferential Listening, Habituation and Eyetracking [WWW document: Computer software & manual]. URL:
Rose, Y., G. Hedlund, T. Wareham, R. Byrne and B. MacWhinney. 2013. Phon: A Computational Basis for Phonological Database Elaboration and Model Testing. In A. Villavicencio, T. Poibeau, A. Korhonen & A. Alishahi (eds.). Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition. New York: Springer Publishing.
Schneider, W., A. Eschman & A. Zuccolotto. 2002. E-Prime: User's Guide. Pittsburgh, PA: Psychology Software
Simonet, M. (2001) Technology in Phonetic Science: Setting Up a Basic Phonetics Laboratory. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, volume 4, Issue 2.
Styler, W. 2016. Using Praat for Linguistic Research. Will Styler’s Homepage. URL:
Turk, A., S. Nakai & M. Sugahara. 2006. Acoustic segment durations in prosodic research: a practical guide. In Stefan Sudhoff, Denisa Lenertova, Roland Meyer, Sandra Pappert, Petra Augurzky, Ina Mleinek, Nicole Richter & Johannes Schliesser (eds.). Methods in Empirical Prosody Research. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.