Experimental approaches to Child Language

2023, 2nd Semester

Teacher: Sónia Frota


Course Materials

  Language development in the first years of life

  Experimental approaches 

  Statistics: A note on dependent and independent variables 

  Early speech perception: Non-nutritive sucking

  Early speech perception: Head-turn preference procedure

  Early speech perception: Looking while listening methods

  On looking paradigms - an illustrative study

  Early speech perception: Eye-tracking

   Eye-tracking: an illustrative study

  Studying perception in humans and non-humans

  Early speech perception: Pointing task

  Research paper guidelines and illustration

   Introduction to non-behavioral methods

  Early speech perception: EEG/ERP

  Early speech perception: NIRS

Approaches to the study of production

A look across species



 (P. Kuhl, The linguistic genius of babies)



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ew5-xbc1HMk (Estudo de discriminação de sons nativos e não nativos, de Janet Werker e colegas)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfOtEjZFaq4 (Estudo de aprendizagem inicial de palavras com eye-tracking, Lisbon Baby Lab)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J-JflThHks (Os bebés e a discriminação visual – Baby Sinapse Connection)


Nazzi et al
Werkes & Tees
Bernal et al.
Brandt et al.
Weikum et al.
Ramus et al.
Toro et al.
Friederici et al.
Krasotkina et al. 

Access to other bibliography

Kuhl (2004)

Gerken & Aslin (2005)

Gervain& Mehler (2010)

Johnson & Zamuner (2010)