Table 4: Distribution of items across categories: EP-CDI SFs compared to the American English short forms.

  CDI - Level I
  European Portuguese English
Total vocabulary 90 89
Items by category    
1. Sound effects & animal sounds 4 4
2. Animal names 6 6
3. Vehicles 2 2
4. Toys 3 3
5. Food and drink 6 6
6. Clothing 4 4
7. Body parts 5 5
8. Small household items 7 7
9. Furniture and rooms 5 5
10. Outside things & places to go 8 8
11. People 4 4
12. Games and routines 6 6
13. Action words 11 11
14. Descriptive words 8 8
15. Words about time 2 2
16. Pronouns 3 2
17. Question words 2 2
18. Prepositions & locations 2 2
19. Quantifiers and articles 2 2
Morphosyntactic Category Distribution    
Nouns 61 62
Verbs 13 15
Adjectives & Adverbs 13 12
Pronouns, Sound Effects & other parts of speech 12 11

  CDI - Level II
  European Portuguese English (A) English (B)
Total vocabulary 99 100 100
Items by category      
1. Sound effects & animal sounds 5 5 5
2. Animal names 6 6 6
3. Vehicles 3 3 2
4. Toys 3 3 3
5. Food and drink 8 8 8
6. Clothing 4 4 4
7. Body parts 4 4 3
8. Small household items 7 7 9
9. Furniture and rooms 5 5 5
10. Outside things 5 6 4
11. Places to go 2 1 3
12. People 3 3 4
13. Games and routines 5 5 5
14. Action words 14 15 14
15. Descriptive words 9 8 8
16. Words about time 3 3 3
17. Pronouns 4 4 4
18. Question words 1 1 1
19. Prepositions & locations 3 3 3
20. Quantifiers and articles 2 2 2
21. Helping Verbs 1 3 3
22. Connecting words 1 1 1
23. Complex words 1 0 0
Morphosyntactic Category Distribution      
Nouns 55 52 53
Verbs 16 18 17
Adjectives & Adverbs 16 15 17
Pronouns, Sound Effects & other parts of speech 13 15 13