Sónia Frota interviewed by the Sábado news magazine about the Nature Human Behavior article on how we talk to infants Read the full article here.

The Lisbon Baby Lab is hosting the Workshop on Infant Language Development in 2024!

The CDI-APP has been launched. Visit the APP website here.

Research at the Lisbon Baby Lab featured in the progam "Tenho um bebé. E agora?" dedicated to autism. The main focus was on the PLOs Project, which studies early signs of development of language and communication disorders in high-risk babies. Available here.

Research at the Lisbon Baby Lab featured in the documentary "Outra Escola" devoted to learning processes and abilities in babies (RTP2, Dec 15, 2019), available here.

Research at the Lisbon Baby Lab featured in the progam "Tenho um bebé. E agora?" dedicated to the Horizon 21 Project. Available here.

Sonia Frota was invited to give a talk at the Language and Brain Workshop on early markers in typical and atypical language development, available here.

Workshop on Early Language in Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NeuroD-WELL). November 8, 2019. More information here.

Sónia Frota interviewed on TVI. Watch the full interview below.

The participation of the Lisbon Baby Lab at "2as Jornadas do CEBC do Hospital Dona Estefânia" was featured in Público. Read the newspaper article here.

Our research developed within the Horizon 21 Project - Early Language Development in Down Syndrome was feature in Público. Read the newspaper article here.

Sónia Frota is invited speaker at the "Workshop on language and the brain". More information here.

Lisbon baby Lab was present at the 2nd Conference of the Centro de Estudos do Bebé e da Criança, with the invited communication 'Escuta Bebé! Descobrir a língua antes da fala.' [Program]

Marina Vigário, researcher at the Laboratory of Phonetics and Phonology, awarded with the Scientific Award University of Lisbon Caixa Geral de Depósitos 2018. More information here.

Mind-Brain Lectures on Language - Colégio Mente-Cérebro da ULisboa, 8 de Março, 10-12h. More here

The Phonetics Laboratory and Lisbon Baby Lab participates in the 4th Annual Conference of the Interdisciplinary Network on Health from the University of Lisbon. Visit the Innovation week website: https://www.ulisboa.pt/?portfolio=3a-semana-da-inovacao for more information

Assessment of warning signs for Autism Spectrum Disorders - January 10, 2017 [More]

Sónia Frota as invited speaker at 1ªs Jornadas de Terapia da Fala (Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central) - Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (October 22nd 2016)

University of Lisbon distinguishes Sónia Frota's research with the ULisboa/CGD scientific award (July, 2016)

Sónia Frota as invited speaker at Dutch Presidency Conference on Open Science, Amsterdam April 5, 2016. [See here]

EEG Fundraising

The 'Aquisição da Linguagem Trocada por Miúdos' project in Portugal em Directo program.


Research developed in the Lisbon Baby Lab featured in newspapper Expresso (March, 28th 2015).



Uma equipa do Lisbon Baby Lab demonstrou que bebés portugueses de 5-6 meses de idade conseguem percepcionar os padrões de acento das palavras em que todos os sons são iguais (isto é, sabem que 'milo', em que a primeira sílaba é mais forte, não é igual a 'milú', em que a segunda sílaba é mais forte). O estudo foi realizado com o equipamento SMI RED500 e foi noticiado recentemente na 'Newsletter' da SensoMotoric Instruments.


WELL 2015: Workshop on Early Language – Lisbon
The Lisbon Baby Lab announces that the first workshop of the project EBELa | Eyes and Brain: Early markers on Language development will be hosted by the University of Lisbon in July 10th, 2015. Visit the workshop webpage here.


***The final report of the call for a post-doc position within the EBELa project is available here.***


***Under the research project Eyes and Brain - Early markers of Language development (EBELa), supported by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT), one Postdoctoral Fellow (BPD) at the Lisbon Baby Lab will be appointed. Call for applications deadline: 17th April, 2015.***


Research carried out in the Lisbon Baby Lab featured in Sábado magazine (07/05/2015).

***Research developed at Lisbon Baby Lab featured on the news (see the video).***
Research carried out in the Lisbon Baby Lab featured in Sábado magazine


Lisbon Baby Lab participates in Dia Aberto da FLUL (April, 23) and invites you for an interactive session on

Olhos que falam: a linguagem nos bebés

[Eyes that speak: studying babies' knowledge of language]
at Lisbon Baby Lab, 11:00 am



bullet Call for participation in the EBELa project (see here)


bulletUnder the research project Eyes and Brain - Early markers of Language development (EBELa), supported by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT), one Postdoctoral Fellow (BPD) at the Lisbon Baby Lab will be appointed. Call for applications deadline: *31st October, 2013*.


bulletSecond Workshop on the Development of Prosodic Structure and Intonation. Organized by the DEPE Project. Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, June 27, 2013. See program


bulletOctober, 2011: Interview to Children's Practice.


bulletApril, 2011: We are conducting two studies on infant and child perception and comprehension. Would you like to participate? See call for study 1 and study 2.


bulletUnder the research project on the Development of Prosodic Structure and Intonation (DEPE), supported by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT), one Postdoctoral Fellow and one PhD position at the Lisbon Baby Lab will be appointed. Call for applications: From 22 November to 3 December 2010.


bullet Lisbon Baby Lab at the Science and Technology Week 2010.


bulletFirst Workshop on the Development of Prosodic Structure and Intonation. Organized by the DEPE Project. Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Outubro 25, 2010. See program.