Lisbon Baby Lab > News >

2nd Workshop on the Development of Prosody and Intonation


Organized by the DEPE Project (PTDC/CLE-LIN/108722/2008)
Laboratório de Fonética & Lisbon Baby Lab
Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa

June 27, 2013
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa
Amphitheatre II

Program (download pdf)

15.00: Marina Vigário & Sónia Frota
The DEPE Project: An overview

15.20: Joseph Butler, Marina Vigário & Sónia Frota
Infants’ perception of intonation and its use in early word learning

15.50: Marina Vigário, Susana Correia & Joseph Butler
Early prosodic development in European Portuguese: Proso-Quest, a parental report of infant prosodic skills

16.20: Sónia Frota, Cátia Severino, Joseph Butler & Nuno Matos
Development of CDI Short Forms for European Portuguese

16.50: Coffee Break

17.10: NúriaEsteve-Gibert, Pilar Prieto & Ulf Liszkowski
Infants’ early pragmatic understanding of pointing gestures: the role of prosody and gesture shape

17.40: Aoju Chen & Sónia Frota
Cross-linguistic research on early intonational development: current findings and future directions

18.10-18.30: Final discussion