Publications and Talks



Frota, S. & Santana Santos, R. (Submitted). Aquisição Prosódia no Português. In D. da Hora & C. Matzenau (Eds.), Da aquisição à variação da fonologia do Português. London, Routledge.

Filipe, M., Carvalhais. L., Abbeduto, L., & Frota, S. (Accepted). Article collection on the Research Topic “Language Across Neurodevelopmental Disorders”, section “Language Sciences”. Frontiers in Psychology. September.

Filipe, M., Severino. C., Vigário, M., & Frota, S. (under review). Adaptation and validation of the European Portuguese Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Infant-Toddler Checklist. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders.

Frota, S., Cruz, M., Silva, P. & Filipe, M. (In progress). CSBS-DP App: Aplicação online para cotação automática da CSBS DP Infant-Toddler Checklist – Adaptação para o Português Europeu (Questionário do bebé das Escalas de Desenvolvimento da Comunicação e Comportamento Simbólico).

Frota, S., Esteve-Gibert, N., Molnar, M., & Vigário, M. (In Press). Article collection on the Research Topic “Language Development Behind the Mask”, section “Language Sciences”. Frontiers in Psychology. Accepted in March 2021.

Filipe, M. G., Veloso, A. S., & Frota, S. (2023). Executive Functions and Language Skills in Preschool Children: The Unique Contribution of Verbal Working Memory and Cognitive Flexibility. Brain Sciences, 13(3), 470.

Filipe, M., C. Severino, M. Vigário & S. Frota (2023). Development and validation of a parental report of toddlers’ prosodic skills. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, DOI: 10.1080/02699206.2023.2226302

Filipe M. G., Carvalhais L., Abbeduto L. & Frota S. (2023). Editorial: Language across neurodevelopmental disorders. Frontiers in Psychology. 13:1121997. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1121997

Frota, S. & N. Esteve-Gibert, M. Molnar & M. Vigário. (2023). Editorial: Language development behind the mask. Frontiers in Psychology. 14. 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1205215.

Lu, S., C. Severino, M. Vigário & S. Frota (2023). Language-specific stress discrimination by European Portuguese-learning infants: An ERP study. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Speech Sciences (ICPhS). Prague, Czech Republic. [pdf]

Cruz, M., Pejovic, J., Severino, C., Vigario, M., Frota, S. (2022) Auditory and visual cues in face-masked infant-directed speech. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2022, Portugal, 639-643, doi: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2022-130

Filipe, M. G., Cruz, S., Veloso, A. S., & Frota, S. (2022). Early predictors of language outcomes in Down syndrome: A mini-review. Frontiers in Psychology13.

Frota S., Pejovic, J., Cruz, M., Severino, C. and Vigário M. (2022). Early word segmentation behind the mask. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI:

Frota, S., Filipe, M., Lousada, M., Vidal, M. M., & Vigário, M. (2022). Desenvolvimento da prosódia infantil: Avaliação e intervenção. In M. J. Freitas, M. Lousada & D. C. Alves (Eds.), Linguística Clínica: Modelos, Avaliação e Intervenção. Berlin: Language Science Press, 183-209,

Sousa, R., Silva, S., & Frota, S. (2022). Early Prosodic Development Predicts Lexical Development in Typical and Atypical Language Acquisition. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2022, Portugal, 387-391. May 23-26

Lowit, A., Frota, S., & Vigário, M. (Eds.) (2021). Special Issue "Motor Speech Disorders and Prosody". Brain Sciences (ISSN 2076-3425), section Sensory and Motor Neuroscience.

Pejovic, J., Cruz, M., Severino, C. & Frota, S. (2021). Early Visual Attention Abilities and Audiovisual Speech Processing in 5–7 Month-Old Down Syndrome and Typically Developing Infants. Brain Sciences 11(7), 939, Special Issue Down Syndrome: Neuropsychological Phenotype across the Lifespan).

Vidal, M.M., Lousada, M., & Vigário, M. (2021). A influência da música no desenvolvimento da consciência fonológica aos 3 anos de idade. Revista Portuguesa de Terapia da Fala, 12(14). December 2021.ópia-volume-11-1

Cruz, M., Butler, J., Severino, C., Filipe, M., & Frota, S. (2020). Eyes or mouth? Exploring eye gaze patterns and their relation with early stress perception in European Portuguese. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics19(1), 4. DOI:

Frota, S., Cruz, M., & Vigário, M. (2020). MacArthur-Bates CDI para o Português Europeu Formas Reduzidas: Programa de Cotação Automática. Software for Windows and Macintosh OS. ISBN 978-989-54771-0-4.

Frota, S., Cruz, M., Silva, P. & Vigário, M. (2020). CDI-PE App: Aplicação online para avaliação de competências de linguagem e seu desenvolvimento baseada no MacArthur-Bates CDI para o Português Europeu Formas Reduzidas. ISBN 978-989-54771-1-1.

Frota S., Butler J., Uysal E., Severino C. and Vigário M. (2020). European Portuguese-Learning Infants Look Longer at Iambic Stress: New Data on Language Specificity in Early Stress Perception. Frontiers in Psychology. 11:1890. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01890

Frota, S., Pejovic, J., Severino, C., Vigário, M. (2020). Looking for the edge: emerging segmentation abilities in atypical development. Proc. 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020, 814-818, DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2020-166. [pdf]

Vidal, M. M., Lousada, M., & Vigário, M. (2020). Music effects on phonological awareness development in 3-year-old children. Applied Psycolinguistics, 41, 299–318. DOI: [article]

Frota, S., Butler, J., Severino, C., Uysal, E., & Vigário, M. (2019). Infant perception of prosodic boundaries without the pause cue: an eye-tracking study. In S. Calhoun, P. Escudero, M. Tabain & P. Warren (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (pp. 3160-3164). Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc. [pdf]

Silva, S., Vigário, M., Fernandez,B.L., Jerónimo, R., Alter, K., & Frota, S. (2019). The sense of sounds: Brain responses to phonotactic frequency, phonological grammar and lexical meaning. Frontiers in Psychology 10, 681, 28 March 2019. 



Frota, S., J. Pejovic, C. Severino & M. Vigário (2023). COVID-19 related effects on early language development. Talk presented at the XVI International Symposium of Psycholinguistics, May 31 - June 2, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. [pdf] [video]

Lu, S., C. Severino, M. Vigário & S. Frota. (2023). Developing language-specific stress discrimination: An ERP study with European Portuguese-learning infants. Poster presented at the International Symposium of Psycholinguistics. June 2, 2023. Vitoria, Gasteiz, Spain.


Cruz, M., Pejovic, J., Severino, C., Vigário M., & Frota S. (2022). Auditory and visual cues in face-masked infant-directed speech. Poster presented at The 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody, May 23-26, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.

Filipe, M., Cruz, S., Veloso, A., & Frota, S. (2022). Early predictors of language in Down Syndrome: A systematic review. Poster presented at the Second Workshop on Early Language in NEUROdevelopmental Disorders (NeuroD-WELL), August 29, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.

Frota, S. (2022). Early word segmentation and word learning: Prosody, phonotactics, and face masks. Invited talk presented at Abralin ao Vivo (online). September 28, 2022. [Link]

Frota, S. (2022). Developing prosody in typical and atypical language acquisition. Talk presented at the The 4th International Symposium on Applied Phonetics (ISAPh 2022), September 14, 2022, Lund University, Sweden.

Frota, S., Pejovic, J., Severino, C., Sousa, R., Cruz, M., Paulino, N., & Vigário, M. (2022). Predictors of Language Outcomes: a preliminary prospective longitudinal study in infants with low-risk and high-risk of developing language impairments. Talk presented at Second Workshop on Early Language in NEUROdevelopmental Disorders (NeuroD-WELL), August 29, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.

Sousa, R., Silva, S., & Frota, S. (2022). Early Predictors of Language Outcomes: Prosody and Gestures. Talk presented at the Second Workshop on Early Language in NEUROdevelopmental Disorders (NeuroD-WELL),August 29, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.

Frota, S., Pejovic, J., Cruz, M., Severino, C., & Vigário, M. (2022). COVID – 19 related effects on early language development. Talk presented at the Second Workshop on Early Language in NEUROdevelopmental Disorders (NeuroD-WELL), August 29, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.

Lu, S., Severino, C., Vigário, M. & Frota, S. (2022). An electrophysiological study on stress discrimination by European Portuguese – learning infants. Poster presented at the Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD), June 9-11, 2022, San Sebastian, Spain.

Pejovic, J., Severino, C., Vigário, M., & Frota, S. (2022). Predictive role of early word learning ability for lexical development in typically developing toddlers and toddlers at risk for language impairment. Talk presented at the Second Workshop on Early Language in NEUROdevelopmental Disorders (NeuroD-WELL), August 29, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.

Pejovic, J., Cruz, M., Vigário, M., & Frota, S. (2022). Meet a new project: Does the face help to say what the ear listens? Poster presented at the Second Workshop on Early Language in NEUROdevelopmental Disorders (NeuroD-WELL), August 29, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.

Frota, S., Pejovic, J., Cruz, M., Severino, C., & Vigário, M. (2022). Early word segmentation behind the mask. Talk presented at the Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD), June 9-11, 2022, San Sebastian, Spain.

Silva, S., Severino, C., Vigário, M., & Frota, S. (2022). Lexicality is processed before phonological grammar in 19-month-olds. Talk presented at the Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD), June 9-11, 2022, San Sebastian, Spain.

Sousa, R., Silva, S. & Frota, S. (2022). Early predictors of language outcomes: Prosody and gestures. Poster presented at the Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD), June 9-11, 2022, San Sebastian, Spain.

Sousa, R., Silva, S., & Frota, S. (2022, May 23-26). Early Prosodic Development Predicts Lexical Development in Typical and Atypical Language Acquisition. Poster presented at The 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody, May 23-26, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.

Vigário, M., Andrade, D.C., Filipe, M., Frota, S., & P2LINK team (2022). The P2LINK project – The Perception-Production Link in Early Infancy: A language acquisition oral-motor intervention study. Poster presented at the Second Workshop on Early Language in NEUROdevelopmental Disorders (NeuroD-WELL), August 29, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.


Alter, K. (2021). The sense of sounds: Brain responses to phonotactic frequency, phonological grammar and lexical meaning. Talk presented at the Seminar on Phonetics and Phonology, March 2, 2021, University of Cambridge, UK.

Frota, S. (2021). Early Perception of Prosody is Language Specific. Invited talk presented at the Third Experimental Portuguese Linguistics Workshop (online), April 24, 2021.

Frota, S., Pejovic, J., Severino, C., & Vigário, M. (2021). How phonological knowledge shapes early word learning in (a)typical development: An eye-tracking study. Talk presented at PaPE 2021 – Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (online), June 21-23, 2021.

Pejovic, J., Severino, C., Vigário, M., & Frota, S. (2021). The role of sound patterns on early word learning and language development in typical and atypical toddlers. Poster presented at the LCICD 2021 – The 6th Lancaster Conference on Infant and Child Development (online), August 25-27, 2021, UK, Lancaster University.

Pejovic J., Severino, C., Vigário, M., & Frota, S. (2021). The role of sound patterns on early word learning in typical and atypical infants. An eye-tracking study. Talk presented at ISP XV – XV International Symposium of Psycholinguistics (online), June 22-25, 2021.


Cruz, M., Pejovic, J., Severino, C., & Frota, S. (2020). Eye-gaze patterns in early infancy and later language and communication outcomes. Poster presented at the 45th Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD) (online), November 5-8, 2020.

Cruz, M., Pejovic, J., Severino, C., & Frota, S. (2020). Eye-gaze patterns to communicative cues in early infancy and later language and communication outcomes. Poster presented at vICIS 2020 Congress – Virtual International Congress on Infant Studies (online), July 6-9, 2020. [pdf]

Filipe, M., & Frota, S. (2020).  A systematic review of early predictors of language impairments in neurodevelopmental disorders. Talk presented at the 28th Annual World Congress on Learning Disabilities (online), September 4-5, 2020. [pdf]

Frota, S., Severino, C., Pejovič, J., Paulino, N., Cruz, M., Sousa, R., & Vigário, M. (2020). Early language development in Down Syndrome: Basic and translational research. Talk presented at Encontro Ciência 2020, November 2-4, Lisbon, Portugal.

Frota, S., M. Cruz, P. Silva & M. Vigário (2020) E-health: screening language and communication development in early infancy. Demo video presented at Encontro Ciência’20. Online event, 3-4 November. Disponível em

Frota, S., Pejović, J., Severino, C., & Vigário, M. (2020). Emerging word segmentation skills in atypical development. Talk presented at the 28th Annual World Congress on Learning Disabilities(online), September 4-5, 2020. [pdf]

Frota, S., Pejović, J., Severino, C., & Vigário, M. (2020) Prosody facilitates word segmentation in infants at risk for language impairment. Poster presented at vICIS 2020 Congress – Virtual International Congress on Infant Studies (online), July 6-9, 2020. [pdf]

Frota, S., Pejović, J., Severino, C., & Vigário, M. (2020). Looking for the edge: Emerging segmentation abilities in atypical development. Talk presented at the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020 (online), May 25-28, 2020, Tokyo, Japan.

Frota, S., Severino, C., Pejovič, J., Paulino, N., Cruz, M., Sousa, R., & Vigário, M. (2020). Desenvolvimento da linguagem nos dois primeiros anos de vida: Marcadores precoces. Invited talk presented at XXVI Jornadas de Pediatria do Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte(Theme: Pediatria Translacional 2020), February 13-14, 2020, Lisbon, Portugal. [pdf]

Vigário, M., Filipe, M., Severino, C., Paulino, N., Sousa, R., & Frota, S. (2020). Early language and communicative development profiles in Down Syndrome and in children at risk for language impairments. Talk presented at the 28th Annual World Congress on Learning Disabilities (online), September 4-5, 2020. [pdf]


Czeke, N., Zahner, K., Rimpler, J., Braun, B., & Frota, S. (2019). German infants do not discriminate Portuguese rising vs. falling contours. Poster presented at 4th Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD), June 13-15, Potsdam, Germany. [pdf]

Frota, S., Severino, C., Pejović, J., Butler, J., & Vigário, M. (2019). Competências de segmentação de palavras em bebés com Trissomia 21. E-Poster presented at 2nd Lusíadas Clinical Summit (online), November 16, Estoril, Portugal. [pdf]

Frota, S., Cruz, M., Severino, C., Pejovic, J., Sousa, R., & Vigário, M. (2019). Projeto PLOs: Preditores de Desenvolvimento de Perturbações da Linguagem e Comunicação. E-poster presented at The 2nd Lusíadas Clinical Summit – The Circle of Life, November 16, Centro de Congressos do Estoril, Estoril, Portugal. [pdf]

Frota, S., Vigário, M., Alter, K., Cruz, M., Severino, C. & PLOs Research Team (2019) The PLOs project: Predictors of Language Outcomes in infants and toddlers at risk for language impairment. Poster presented at NeuroD-WELL – Workshop on Early Language in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, November 8, Lisbon, Portugal. [pdf]

Frota, S. (2019). Desenvolvimento da linguagem na trissomia 21: sinais precoces. Invited talk presented at Trissomia 21: 3 Décadas a fazer a Diferença, October 26, Auditório do IPDJ, Lisbon, Portugal.

Frota, S. (2019). Early markers of language development in typically and atypically developing infants and toddlers. Invited talk presented at the Workshop on Language and the Brain (WoLB 2019), October 3-4, 2019, Vigo, Spain.

Frota, S. (2019). Escuta bebé! Descobrir a língua antes da fala. Invited talk given at 2as Jornadas do Centro de Estudos do Bebé e da Criança do Hospital Dona Estefânia, May 20, 2019, Lisboa, Portugal. [pdf

Frota, S., Butler, J., Severino, C., Uysal, E., & Vigário, M.  (2019). Infant perception of prosodic boundaries without the pause cue: An eye-tracking study. Poster presented at ICPhS 2019 – XIX Intenational Congress of Phonetic Sciences, August 4-10,, 2019, Melbourne, Australia. [pdf

Paulino, N., & Frota, S. (2019). Measuring early development of language skills in infants and toddlers learning Portuguese and an Additional Language: Implications for language assessment in Bilinguals. Talk given at XXXV Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, October 9-11, 2019, UMinho, Braga, Portugal. [pdf]

Pejovic, J., Cruz, M., Severino, C., & Frota, S. (2019). Selective attention to audiovisual communicative cues in infants with Down syndrome. An eye-tracking study. Talk presented at NeuroD-WELL – Workshop on Early Language in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, November 8,, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal. [pdf]

Vigário, M., Paulino, N., Pejovic, J., Cruz, M., Severino, C., Sousa, R., João, V., & Frota, S. (2019). Avaliação do desenvolvimento da linguagem: Questionários do Desenvolvimento Comunicativo para o Português Europeu (CDI-PE FR). E-Poster presented at The 2nd Lusíadas Clinical Summit – The Circle of Life, November 16, 2019, Centro de Congressos do Estoril, Estoril, Portugal. [pdf]

Vigário, M., Paulino, N., Severino, C., & Frota, S. (2019). Early language development in European Portuguese-learning infants and toddlers with Down Syndrome measured with the CDI. Talk presented at NeuroD_WELL - Workshop on early language in neurodevelopmental disorders. November 8,, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal. [pdf]

Vigário, M., Butler, J., Severino, C., Uysal, E., & Frota, S. (2019). Infants discriminate utterances with and without internal prosodic boundaries: An eye-tracking study with delexicalized speech. Talk given at LCICD 2019 - The 4th Lancaster Conference on Infant and Early Child Development, August 21-23, 2019, Lancaster, UK. [pdf


Vigário, M., Severino, C.,  Cruz, M., Filipe, M.,  Butler, J. &  Frota, S. (2018). Marcadores precoces de desenvolvimento da comunicação e linguagem. Ciência 2018 – Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia. Lisboa, 2-4 de Julho [pdf

Progress Reports

Report #1

Report #2

Report #3

Report #4