
Frota S., Butler J., Uysal E., Severino C. and Vigário M. 2020. European Portuguese-Learning Infants Look Longer at Iambic Stress: New Data on Language Specificity in Early Stress Perception. Frontiers in Psychology. 11:1890. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01890

Frota, S. & J. Butler. 2018. Early development of intonation: perception and production. In Pilar Prieto & Núria Esteve-Gibert (eds.). The Development of Prosody in First Language Acquisition (pp. 145–164). Philadelphia/USA: John Benjamins. doi: 10.1075/tilar.23.08fro [draft]

J. Butler & S. Frota (2018) Emerging word segmentation abilities in European Portuguese learning infants: new evidence for the rhythmic unit and the edge factor. Journal of Child Language, 1- 15. doi:10.1017/S0305000918000181 (disponível aqui)

Filipe, M., L. Watson, S. Vicente & S. Frota. 2018. Atypical preference for infant-directed speech as an early marker of autism spectrum disorders? A literature review and directions for further research. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 32(3): 213-231. doi: 10.1080/02699206.2017.1342694 (disponível aqui)

Frota, S. & C. Name. 2017 Questões de perceção em língua materna. In Maria João Freitas & Ana Lúcia Santos (eds.), Aquisição de língua materna e não materna: Questões gerais e dados do português, 35–50. Berlin: Language Science Press. [info]

Filipe, M., Frota, S., & Vicente, S. 2017. The influence of executive function on prosodic performance. Proceedings of the International Conference Cognitive Neuroscience of Executive Functions (pp. 96). Padua: Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Università de Padova. doi:10.23737/CNEF2017

Filipe, M., O. Zagoruy, S. Vicente & S. Frota (2017). Questionário de Preocupações sobre o Desenvolvimento. Versão para o Português Europeu de Developmental Concerns Questionnaire, version 1.4 © Reznick, Baranek, Watson & Crais (2005), The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Filipe, M., S. Vicente & S. Frota (2017) QUESTIONÁRIO PARA O PRIMEIRO ANO DE VIDA. Versão para o Português Europeu de FYI–FIRST YEAR INVENTORY ©2003 by Baranek, Watson, Crais, & Reznickc

Filipe, M., S. Vicente & S. Frota. 2017. Q-CHAT-10 Quantitative Checklist for Autism in Toddlers / Q-CHAT-10 Checklist Quantitativa para Autismo em Crianças Pequenas. Tradução para o Português, disponível em

Filipe, M., S. Peppé, S. Frota & S. Vicente. 2017. Prosodic development in European Portuguese from childhood to adulthood. Applied Psycholinguistics. doi: 10.1017/S0142716417000030

CSBS DPTM Infant-Toddler Checklist from Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental ProfileTM, Prizant & Wetherby © 2002, and Portuguese translation © 2014-2016. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. Translated by permission granted to the EBELa project's team (EXCL/MHC-LIN/0688/2012). Frota, S., S. Vicente, M. Filipe & M. Vigário [disponível aqui/available here] (Estudo normativo em curso no âmbito do projeto PLOs)

Filipe, M., S. Frota, A. Villagomez & S. Vicente. 2016. Prosody in Portuguese children with high-functioning autism. In M. Armstrong, N. C. Henriksen, & M. M. Vanrell (Eds.), Intonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance: Approaches across linguistic subfields (pp. 277-294). Philadelphia, USA: John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/ihll.6.13fil [draft]

Frota, S., J. Butler, S. Correia, C. Severino, S. Vicente & M. Vigário. 2016. Infant communicative development assessed with the European Portuguese MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories Short forms. First Language, 36(5): 525-545. doi: 10.1177/0142723716648867

Frota, S., M. Cruz, N. Matos & M. Vigário. 2016. Early Prosodic Development: Emerging intonation and phrasing in European Portuguese. In M. Armstrong, N. C. Henriksen, & M. M. Vanrell (Eds.), Intonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance: Approaches across linguistic subfields (pp. 295-324). Philadelphia, USA: John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/ihll.6.14fro [draft]

Frota, S., J. Butler, S. Lu & M. Vigário. 2016. Infants' perception of native and non-native pitch contrasts, in Proceedings of the Speech Prosody 8, eds. J. Barnes, S. Shattuck-Hufnagel & N. Veilleux, May 31-June 3, Boston University, USA, 692-696. ISSN: 2333-2042. doi: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2016-142

Lu, S., S. Correia, R. Jerónimo, M. Vigário & S. Frota. 2016. Revisiting “Stress Deafness” in European Portuguese – An ERP Study, in Proceedings of Speech Prosody 8, eds. J. Barnes, S. Shattuck-Hufnagel & N. Veilleux, May 31-June 3, Boston University, USA, 706-710. ISSN: 2333-2042. doi: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2016

Sundara, M., M. Molnar & S. Frota. 2016. English-learning infants’ perception of boundary tones. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 140(4): 3448. doi: 10.1121/1.4971134

Vigario M., Butler J. & Cruz M. 2015. Introduction. Phonetica, 72(2-3): 69-75. doi:10.1159/000441730.

Vigário, M., J. Butler, M. Cruz, C. Best & R. Walker. 2015. (Eds.) Phonologically constrained variability in L1 and L2 production and perception. Special Issue of Phonetica 72(2-3). DOI: 10.1159/isbn.978-3-318-05818-5

Butler, J., M. Cruz & M. Vigário. 2015. (Eds.). Experimental approaches to the production and perception of prosody. Special Issue of Language and Speech 58(1) [info]

Butler, J., M. Cruz & M. Vigário. 2015. Introduction. Language and Speech, 58(1): 3-7. doi: 10.1177/0023830914565287.

Butler, J., M. Vigário & S. Frota. 2015. Infants’ perception of broad and narrow focus. Language Learning and Development, 12(1): 1-13. doi: 10.1080/15475441.2015.1020376 [draft]

Correia, S., J. Butler, M. Vigário & S. Frota. 2015. A stress 'deafness' effect in European Portuguese. Language and Speech, 58(1): 48-67. doi:10.1177/0023830914565193

Filipe, M., P. Branco, S. Frota, S. L. Castro & S. Vicente. 2015. Affective prosody in European Portuguese: Perceptual and acoustic characterization of one-word utterances. Speech Communication 67, 58-64. doi: 10.1016/j.specom.2014.09.007.

Frota, S., J. Butler, S. Correia, C. Severino, S. Vicente & M. Vigário. 2015. Questionários McArthur-Bates CDI para o Português Europeu: formas reduzidas. Lisboa: Laboratório de Fonética, CLUL/FLUL. []

Lu, S., R. Wayland & E. Kaan. 2015. Effects of production training and perception training on lexical tona perception – A behavioral and ERP study. Brain Research, 1624: 28-44. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2015.07.014

Sundara, M., M. Molnar & S. Frota. 2015. The perception of boundary tones in infancy. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2015), Glasgow (UK): University of Glasgow / International Phonetic Association: London. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4 [pdf]


Bandeira de Lima, C., G. Oliveira & M. Vigário. 2016. Communication and Language acquisition in autism spectrum disorders: early markers of neurodevelopment. Talk presented at the X CAML PhD Meeting, Universidade de Medicina de Lisboa, Lisboa, March 30-31. [pdf]

Bandeira de Lima, C., M. Vigário & G. Oliveira. 2016. Perturbação do Espectro do Autismo - Contributos para a caracterização da comunicação e linguagem. Poster presented at Encontro Ciência 2016 – Ciência Viva, Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, Lisboa, July 4-6. [pdf]

Bandeira de Lima, C., M. Vigário & G. Oliveira. 2016. Marcadores precoces de prognóstico na Perturbação do Espectro do Autismo – O desenvolvimento da comunicação e da linguagem. Talk presented at 3º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, Porto, Portugal, September 28 - October 1. [pdf]

Butler, J., C. Severino, M. Vigário & S. Frota. 2016. When prosody matters: Emerging word segmentation abilities in European Portuguese learning infants. Talk presented at 7th conference on Tone and Intonation in Europe, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, September 1-3. [pdf]

Butler, J., C. Severino, M. Vigário & S. Frota. 2016. When prosody matters! Developing word segmentation abilities in European Portuguese learning infants. Talk presented at the First Lancaster Conference on Infant and Child Development, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK, August 25-27. [pdf]

Butler, J., C. Severino, M. Vigário & S. Frota. 2016. When prosody matters! Developing word segmentation abilities in European Portuguese learning infants. Talk presented at the European Association for Research on Learning and Instructions (EARLI; Special Interest Group on “Learning and Development in Early Childhood” (SIG5)), University of Porto, Porto, June 29-July 1. [pdf]

Cortês, S., J. Butler, C. Severino, E. Uysal, M. Vigário & S. Frota. 2016. ‘Old’ paradigms, new measures: Infants’ language processing assessed with eye-tracking. Talk presented at SWAET 2016: The Scandinavian Workshop on Applied Eye Tracking, Turku, Finland, June 19-21. [pdf]

Filipe, M., S. Frota & S. Vicente. 2016. Prosodic abilities in autism. Poster presented at the 1st Iberoamerican Congress of Neuropsychology. Bilbao, Spain, June 1-4. [pdf]

Filipe, M., L. Watson, S. Vicente & S. Frota. 2016. Is response to infant-directed speech an early marker of Autism Spectrum Disorders? Talk presented at 3rd CADIN International Congress - Learning, Behaviour & Emotion in Times of Change. Lisboa, Portugal, October 20-22. [pdf]

Filipe, M., L. Watson, S. Vicente & S. Frota. 2016. Early Markers of Autism: Infant-Directed Speech and Social-Communicative Functioning. Poster presented at the 2nd PhD Students Meeting of the Mind-Brain College of the Universidade de Lisboa. Lisbon: Portugal. December 28-29. [pdf]

Frota, S. 2016. Prosody shapes early speech production and early word segmentation. Invited talk presented at Exploring Speech Planning and Production in Children (satellite workshop of LabPhon15 conference). July, 13-16. Cornell University: Ithaca, NY. [pdf]

Frota, S. (2016) Investigar o desenvolvimento inicial da linguagem: novos métodos, instrumentos e resultados. Invited speaker at I Jornadas de Terapia da Fala. Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central, Lisboa, October 21-22. [pdf]

Frota, S., J. Butler, S. Correia, C. Severino, S. Vicente & M. Vigário. 2016. Measuring early development of language skills: The European Portuguese MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories Short-forms. Poster presented at European Association for Research on Learning and Instructions (EARLI; Special Interest Group on “Learning and Development in Early Childhood” (SIG5)). University of Porto, Porto, June 29-July 1. [pdf]

Frota, S., J. Butler, S. Lu & M. Vigário. 2016. Infants’ perception of native and non-native pitch contrasts: tune, pitch accent or tone? Talk presented at the First Lancaster Conference on Infant and Child Development. Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK, August 25-27. [pdf]

Frota, S., J. Butler, S. Lu & M. Vigário. 2016. Infant’s perception of statement and question prosody: native vs. non-native language input. Poster presented at the ICIS – International Conference on Infant Studies. New Orleans: Louisiana, May 26-28. [pdf]

Frota, S., J. Butler, S. Lu & M. Vigário. 2016. Infants' perception of native and non-native pitch contrasts. Poster presented at the Speech Prosody 2016. Boston: Boston University. [pdf]

Leone-Fernandez, B., R. Jerónimo, S. Lu, S. Correia, M. Vigário, K. Alter & Sónia Frota. 2016. Prosody drives the CPS, not syntax. Poster presented at the 2nd PhD Students Meeting of the Mind-Brain College of the Universidade de Lisboa . Lisbon: Portugal. December 28-29. [pdf]

Leone-Fernandez, B., R. Jerónimo, S. Lu, S. Correia, M. Vigário, K. Alter & Sónia Frota. 2016. Brain response to Intonational Phrase structure is purely prosody-driven. Talk presented at TIE - Tone and Intonation in Europe. University of Kent: Kent. [pdf]

Leone-Fernandez, B., R. Jerónimo, S. Lu, S. Correia, M. Vigário, K. Alter & Sónia Frota. 2016. Prosody drives the CPS, not Syntax. Poster presented at 22nd Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLAP2016). BCBL: Bilbao. [pdf]

Lu, S., S. Correia, R. Jerónimo, M. Vigário & S. Frota. 2016. Revisiting “Stress Deafness” in European Portuguese – An ERP Study. Talk presented at the Speech Prosody 2016. Boston: Boston University. [pdf]

Matos, N. & S. Frota (2016) Medir o Tempo: desenvolvimento dos padrões duracionais no discurso infantil e no discurso dirigido às crianças. Poster presented at Encontro Ciência 2016 – Ciência Viva. Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, July 4-6. [pdf]

Severino, C., M. Vigário & S. Frota. 2016. Young children's use of phrasal prosody in globally ambiguous sentences: an eye-tracking study. Talk given at the 2nd PhD Students Meeting of the Mind-Brain College of the Universidade de Lisboa. Lisbon: Portugal. December 28-29. [pdf]

Severino, C., M. Vigário & S. Frota (2016) Segmentação e Desambiguação no Desenvolvimento do Português Europeu: o papel da estrutura prosódica. Poster presented at 2Encontro Ciência 2016 – Ciência Viva. , Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, July 4-6. [pdf]

Sundara, M., M. Molnar & S. Frota. 2016. The perception of boundary tones in infancy across languages. Poster presented at the ICIS – International Conference on Infant Studies. New Orleans: Louisiana, May 26-28. [pdf]

Sundara, M., M. Molnar & S. Frota (2016) English-learning infants’ perception of boundary tones. Poster presented at the 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan. Honolulu, Hawaii, November 28-December 2. [pdf]

Vidal, M. M., M. Lousada & M. Vigário (2016) Music influence on phonologic development and phonologic awareness in 3 to 6 year-olds with typical development and primary language impairment. Talk presented at the 30th World Congress of the IALP. Dublin, Ireland, August 21-25. [pdf]

Vidal, M. M., S. Frota, M. Lousada & M. Vigário. 2016. Criação de um Teste de Avaliação de Prosódia na Criança. Talk presented at the VI Workshop on Linguistics, Language Development and Impairment. University of Lisbon, Lisboa, February 26. [pdf]

Vidal, M. M., M. Lousada & M. Vigário. 2016. A influência da música no desenvolvimento fonético-fonológico e de consciência fonológica de crianças entre os 3 e os 6 anos com desenvolvimento típico e perturbação de linguagem primária. Poster presented at Encontro Ciência 2016 – Ciência Viva. Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, July 4-6. [pdf]

Vigário, M. 2016 EBELa: Eyes and Brain – Early markers of language development. Poster presented at 3ª Conferência Anual da Rede SAÚDE. Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, May 3. [pdf]

Bandeira de Lima, C., C. Severino, J. Butler, G. Oliveira & M. Vigário. 2015. Desenvolvimento linguístico na perturbação do espectro do autismo - eye tracking enquanto metodologia de avaliação da perceção da fala. Talk given at CIPCA 2015 - VI Congresso Internacional de psicologia da criança e do adolescente. Portugal: Lisboa, April. [pdf]

Bandeira de Lima, C., G. Oliveira, M. Baptista & M. Vigário. 2015. Early vocal patterns: typically developing infants and toddlers with autism spectrum disorders. Talk presented at the WELL- Workshop on Early Language - Lisbon . Lisbon: University of Lisbon. [pdf]

Butler, J., S. Cortês, S. Correia, E. Uysal, M. Vigário & S. Frota. 2015. Early perception of lexical stress by European Portuguese-learning infants. Talk presented at the WELL- Workshop on Early Language - Lisbon. Lisbon: University of Lisbon. [pdf]

Butler, J., S. Cortês, S. Correia, E. Uysal, M. Vigário & S. Frota. 2015. Early perception of lexical stress by European Portuguese-learning infants. Talk presented at the Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2015. Cambridge: Cambridge University. [pdf]

Butler, J., S. Cortês, S. Correia, E. Uysal, M. Vigário & S. Frota. 2015. European Portuguese-learning infants’ early perception of lexical stress. Poster presented at the Child Language Symposium. Coventry (UK): University of Warwick. 20th-21st July. [pdf]

Butler, J., S. Cortês, S. Correia, E. Uysal, M. Vigário & S. Frota. 2015. Early perception of lexical stress by European Portuguese-learning infants. Poster presented at the 1º Encontro de Estudantes Colégio Doutoral Mente-Cérebro da Universidade de Lisboa. Lisboa: Universidade de Lisboa. December 2nd. [pdf]

Filipe, M. 2015. Prosodic skills in typical development and in autism spectrum disorders (opening conference). Talk given at V Brazilian Colloquium of Speech Prosody. Brazil: University of Brasília, October. [pdf]

Filipe, M., S. Frota & S. Vicente. 2015. Avaliação de Competências Prosódicas no Português Europeu: O PEPS-C. Talk given at XXXI National Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Linguistics. Portugal: University of Minho, October. [pdf]

Filipe, M., M. Cruz, S. Frota & S. Vicente. 2015. Typical and atypical prosody in European Portuguese: A prosodically annotated corpus for children with autism and typically developing peers (PAC-C). Poster presented at X Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental. Faro, April 17-18. [pdf]

Filipe, M., S. Frota & S. Vicente. 2015. Assessing prosody in European Portuguese for ages above 4: the Profiling Elements of Prosody in Speech-Communication (PEPS-C). Talk given at the WELL - Workshop on Early Language. Lisbon: University of Lisbon, 10th July. [pdf]

Filipe, M., M. Cruz, S. Frota, & S. Vicente. 2015. Typical and atypical prosody in European Portuguese: A prosodically annotated corpus for children with autism and typically developing peers (PAC-C). Poster presented at the WELL - Workshop on Early Language. Lisbon: University of Lisbon, 10th July. [pdf]

Frota, S. 2015. Exploration on word prominence in a language with contrastive stress: adult and infant data. Invited talk given at the International Conference 'Prominence in Language'. Cologne: University of Cologne, June 15-17. [pdf]

Frota, S. 2015. Desenvolvimento inicial da linguagem: Instrumentos e métodos. Invited talk presented at the MA Speech and hearing Sciences. Aveiro: University of Aveiro, May 22nd. [pdf]

Frota, S. 2015. O projecto EBELa: Do Olhar ao Cérebro – Marcadores Precoces no desenvolvimento da linguagem. Talk given at CADin. Lisbon: Cascais, January. [pdf]

Frota, S. 2015. Marcadores precoces de desenvolvimento da linguagem: Investigação do Lisbon Baby Lab. Invited talk given at International Congress CountDOWN. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Lisbon, Portugal, 29-30 October.[pdf]

Frota, S., J. Butler, S. Correia, C. Severino, S. Vicente & M. Vigário. 2015. Questionários MacArthur-Bates (CDI) para o Português Europeu: Formas Reduzidas (8 aos 30 meses). Talk presented at II Jornadas – Comunicação e Desenvolvimento da Linguagem. Portugal: University of Minho. [pdf]

Frota, S., J. Butler, S. Correia, C. Severino, S. Vicente & M. Vigário. 2015. Questionários MacArthur-Bates (CDI) para o Português Europeu – Formas reduzidas: adaptação e estudo. Talk given at XXXI National Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Linguistics. Portugal: University of Minho, October. [pdf]

Frota, S., J. Butler, S. Correia, C. Severino, S. Vicente & M. Vigário. 2015. Infant communicative development assessed with the European Portuguese MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories Short-forms. Talk presented at the WELL- Workshop on Early Language - Lisbon . Lisbon: University of Lisbon. [pdf]

Lu, Shuang, Susana Correia, Rita Jerónimo, Marina Vigário & Sónia Frota. 2015. Stress Discrimination by Native Speakers of European Portuguese – An ERP Study. Poster presented at the 1º Encontro de Estudantes Colégio Doutoral Mente-Cérebro da Universidade de Lisboa. Lisboa: Universidade de Lisboa. December 2nd. [pdf]

Nixon, J., J. Van Rij, X. Q. Li, & Y. Chen. 2015 Phonetic context and word frequency effects in tone processing: A non-linear model of ERPs. Poster presented at Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing (AMLaP). September 2-4. [pdf]

Nixon, J., J. Van Rij, X. Q. Li, Y. Chen. 2015. Phonetic context and word frequency effects in tone processing: A non-linear model of ERPs. Poster presented at the EAPC3 Conference. Germany: Potsdam, August 31st. [pdf]

Rodrigues, E. & S. Frota. 2015. Communicative gestures in human infants and chimpanzees. Poster presented at Protolang 4 - Ways to (proto)language conference series. Rome: Roma Tre University, September 24-26. [pdf]

Rodrigues, E. & S. Frota. 2015. Communicative gestures in 8-12 months infants: a phylogenetically comparable approach. Poster presented at the Workshop Gesture in Language Development. UK: U. Warwick, July 19. [pdf]

Rodrigues, E. & S. Frota. 2015. Communicative gestures in 8-12 months infants: a phylogenetically comparable approach. Poster presented at the WELL - Workshop on Early Language - Lisbon. Lisbon: University of Lisbon, July 10th. [pdf]

Severino, C., M. Vigário & S. Frota. 2015. When prosody is (not) needed or enough: an eye-tracking study of prosodic disambiguation in European Portuguese. Talk given at Phonetic and Phonology in Europe. Cambridge (UK): University of Cambridge, July. [pdf]

Sundara, M., M. Molnar & S. Frota. 2015. When infants get the question: The development of boundary tone perception. Poster presented at the WELL- Workshop on Early Language - Lisbon . Lisbon: University of Lisbon. [pdf]

Sundara, M., M. Molnar & S. Frota. 2015. The perception of boundary tones in infancy. Talk presented at the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2015). Glasgow, Scotland (UK). [pdf]

Sundara, M., M. Molnar & S. Frota. 2015. When infants get the question: The development of boundary tone perception. Poster presented at WILD 2015 - Workshop on Infant Language Development. Stockholm: Stockholm University, June 10-12. [pdf]

Vigário, M., J. Butler, S. Correia, M. Cruz, C. Severino & S. Frota. 2015. Avaliação do desenvolvimento prosódico inicial no Português Europeu: o questionário parental ProsoQuest. Talk given at XXXI National Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Linguistics. Portugal: University of Minho, October. [pdf]

Vigário, M., J. Butler, S. Correia, M. Cruz, C. Severino & S. Frota. 2015. Assessing early prosodic development in European Portuguese: the ProsoQuest parental report. Talk presented at the WELL- Workshop on Early Language - Lisbon . Lisbon: University of Lisbon. [pdf]

Vigário, M. 2015. EBELa: Eyes and Brain – Early markers of language development. Poster presented at the 1º Encontro de Estudantes Colégio Doutoral Mente-Cérebro da Universidade de Lisboa. Lisboa: Universidade de Lisboa. December 2nd. [pdf]

Almeida, L & S. Correia. 2014. Relato Phonbank - A ferramenta Phon. Invited talk given at the Fórum CHILDES Brasil, Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil. September. 29-30. [pdf]

Frota, S. 2014. Infants’ perception of pitch-based prosodic contrasts. Invited talk presented at the 6th International Conference on Tone and Intonation in Europe (TIE), Netherlands: University of Utrecht. September, 10-12 [pdf]

Frota, S. 2014. O projecto EBELa: Do Olhar ao Cérebro – Marcadores Precoces no desenvolvimento da linguagem. Talk given at Tertúlia em Neurodesenvolvimento. Lisbon: Hospital Santa Maria, CHLN, November. [pdf]

Frota, S. 2014. Prosody in Early Language Development. Invited talk given at the 22nd Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe (ConSOLE XXII). Lisbon: University of Lisbon. January, 8th. [pdf]

Filipe, M., S. Frota, S. L. Castro & S. Vicente. 2014. Prosody in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Talk given at the IX National Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Experimental Psychology. Covilhã: University of Beira Interior. [pdf]

Lu, S. 2014. Effects of production training and perception training on tone perception – A behavioral and ERP study. Talk given at the Falas no LabFon. Lisbon: University of Lisbon. March, 28th. [pdf]

Matos, N. 2014. Measuring tempo: a descriptive analysis of the development pattern in EP. Talk given at the International Conference on Language Acquisition for Young Researchers 2014 (ICLAYR 2014). Lisboa, Portugal. June, 27. [pdf]

Severino, C. 2014. Effects of Prosody in Ambiguity Resolution by European Portuguese Children. Talk given at the International Conference on Language Acquisition for Young Researchers 2014 (ICLAYR 2014). Lisboa, Portugal. June, 27. [pdf]

Cortês, S. 2013. Contrastive stress in typically developing children and adults. Possible therapeutic applications for children in the Autism spectrum. Talk given at the Falas no LabFon. Lisbon: University of Lisbon. March, 28th. [pdf]

Correia, S., S. Frota, J. Butler & M. Vigário. 2013. A stress 'deafness' effect in European Portuguese. Talk given at the Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia. University of Lisbon: Lisbon. June. [pdf]

Filipe, M. 2013. Competências prosódicas em crianças e jovens com e sem alterações de desenvolvimento. Talk given at the Falas no LabFon. Lisbon: University of Lisbon. March, 28th. [pdf]

Frota, S., C. Severino, J. Butler, C. Bandeira & M. Vigário. 2013. The eyes follow the sound: Measuring speech perception with eye-tracking. Poster presented at the 17th European Conference on Eye Movements. Lund. August. [pdf]

Frota, S., C. Severino, J. Butler, S. Correia & M. Vigário. 2013. Adaptação dos questionários MacArthur-Bates (CDI) ao Português Europeu: formas reduzidas para o Nível I (8-18 meses) e Nível II (16-30 meses). Talk presented at the XXIX Encontro Nacional Associação Portuguesa de Linguística. Coimbra: University of Coimbra. October, 23-25. [pdf]

Uysal, E. 2013. Influence of linguistic prosody on acoustic perception: Turkish versus Italian. Talk given at the Falas no LabFon. Lisbon: University of Lisbon. March, 28th. [pdf]


Report Year 2 of the project EBELa [EXCL/MHC-LIN/0688/2012]

Report Year 1 of the project EBELa [EXCL/MHC-LIN/0688/2012]

Organização de seminários e conferências

LabPhon16 – 16th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, June 19-23, 2018, Lisbon: FLUL. [Sónia Frota, Marina Vigário, Susana Correia, Marisa Cruz, Joseph Butler, Simão Cortês]

stem | Spring Training on Experimental Methods, March 21-23, 2016, Lisboa: FLUL. [Sónia Frota & Fernando Martins – Scientific Coordination; Marisa Cruz, Barbara Leone Fernandez, Joseph Butler, Sónia Frota & Susana Correia – Responsible for Courses; Susana Correia, Simão Cortês, Ana Alexandra Malho, Cátia Severino & Marisa Cruz – Monitors]

stem II | Summer Training on Experimental Methods, September 5-9, 2016, Lisboa: FLUL. [Sónia Frota & Fernando Martins – Scientific Coordination; Marisa Cruz, Fernando Martins, Barbara Leone Fernandez, Joseph Butler, Sónia Frota & Susana Correia – Responsible for Courses; Simão Cortês, Ana Alexandra Malho, Cátia Severino, Barbara Leone Fernandez & Marisa Cruz – Monitors]

Looking at the Brain: Project internal workshop with Kai Alter and the project’s team. November 14-15, 2016.

Talk given by Kai Alter (Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University and Language and Brain Laboratory, University of Oxford), Brain responses to prosodic phrasing and working memory: Evidence from ERPs, November 15, 2016, FLUL. [pdf]

WELL | Workshop on Early Language – Lisbon (1st Workshop of the Project EBELa - Eyes and Brain: Early markers of Language), July 2015

Workshop on prosodic development, Satellite event of PaPE 2015, University of Cambridge, June 2015

Falas no LabFon, March 2014

Falas no LabFon, December 2013

First consultant’s meeting. June 25-26, 2013.

Invited talk presented at the PaPI Conference (June 2013): Angela D. Friederici (Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences), “Syntax and prosody in the human brain”.

Teses de Doutoramento

Matos, N. (In progress) Medir o tempo: os padrões duracionais em fala infantil e fala adulta. PhD Thesis in progress (2012-2016), Fac. Letras, U. Lisboa. FCT Grant BD/80991/2011. Supervisor: S. Frota.

Vidal, M. (2019). The influence of music in the development of phonetics, phonology and phonological awareness in 3-year-olds with typical development and 3- to 6-year-olds with speech or language disorder. PhD thesis, Universidade de Lisboa (Supervisor).

Bandeira de Lima, C. (2018) Perturbação do Espectro do Autismo - Contributos para a Caracterização do Desenvolvimento da Comunicação e da Linguagem. PhD Thesis in progresso (2011-), Fac. Letras, U. Lisboa. Supervisor: G. Oliveira; Co-supervisor: M. Vigário.

Severino, C. (2016) Perception of Phrasal Prosody in the Acquisition of European Portuguese. PhD thesis (2012-2016), Fac. Letras, U. Lisboa. FCT Grant SFRH/BD/80991/2011. Supervisors: Sónia Frota, Anne Christophe (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psicholinguistique, École Normale Superieure, Paris), Marina Vigário.

Filipe, M. (2014) Prosodic abilities in typically developing children and those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Clinical implications for assessment and intervention. PhD Thesis (2010-2014), Fac. Psicologia e Ciências da Educação, U. Porto. FCT Grant BD/64166/2009. Supervisor: S. Vicente; Co-supervisor: S. Frota.

Teses de Mestrado

Rodrigues, M. C. (2015) Teoria da Mente em crianças neurotípicas e com perturbações do espectro do autismo. Ma Thesis, Fac. Psicologia e Ciências da Educação, U. Porto. Supervisor: S. Vicente.

Rodrigues, E. (2015) Evolução da Linguagem: Estudo comparativo dos gestos em chimpanzés infantis e em crianças na fase pré-verbal, Ma Thesis, U. Lisbon. Supervisor: S. Frota.

Nogueira, S. (2014) Contributo da Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (NAB) para o rastreio cognitivo em contexto clínico. Ma Thesis, Fac. Psicologia e Ciências da Educação, U. Porto. Supervisor: S. Vicente.


Butler, J. (In progress) Speech segmentation and later language development in European Portuguese learning infants. 2013-2018. [Investigator FCT IF/01614/2012].

Filipe, Marisa. (2015-2018). Early Markers of Autism: Infant-Directed Speech and Social-Communicative Functioning (Post-Doc Researcher: SFRH/BPD/100696/2014), 2015. Universidade de Lisboa, FCT Grant. Supervisor: Sónia Frota; Co-supervisors: Selene Vicente (University of Porto) and Linda Watson (University of North Carolina).

Correia, S. (2010-2016) Interaction between perception and production. A naturalistic and experimental approach, from babble to words. Post-Doc Research Grant (BPD/66529/2009). Supervisor: S. Frota. Co-supervisor: M. Vihman (U. York).

Nixon, J. (2015) Post-Doc Research Grant within the EBELa project – Early markers of Language development,. Supervisor: S. Frota; Co-supervisors: M. Vigário, R. Jerónimo (ISCTE – IUL).

Lu, S. (2014-2015) Post-Doc Research Grant within the EBELa project – Early markers of Language development, Supervisor: S. Frota; Co-supervisors: M. Vigário, R. Jerónimo (ISCTE – IUL).

Uysal, E. (2013-2014) Prosodic features as early markers of language development. Research Grant within the EBELA project – Early markers of Language development, Supervisors: Sónia Frota & Kai Alter.