The role of predictability in shaping human sound systems

LabPhon16 Satellite event

June 23, 09:00 - 12:30
Room 5.2, Main building

If you plan to attend the workshop, please subscribe to the workshop mailing list to receive announcements.

Short description:

Message-oriented accounts of phonetic and phonological variation propose that speakers expend resources in order to increase phonetic robustness when their intended message is unpredictable. Within this general framework, predictability is operationalized in diverse and sometimes imprecise ways. This workshop has presentations focusing on how predictability can be assessed, and how different formulations lead to different quantifiable expectations about communicative behavior and phonological patterns. The presentations are followed by a roundtable discussion on defining and measuring predictability in phonological research.

Call for papers

Abstract submission deadline: March 1, 2018
Notifications of acceptance: March 15, 2018
Workshop program announced: March 30, 2018



Scott Seyfarth
Ohio State University

Elizabeth Hume
Ohio State University

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ADFLUL - Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa | NIF 506305252