The role of predictability in shaping human sound systems

LabPhon16 Satellite event

June 23, 09:00 - 12:30


09:00 Workshop introduction
09:05 U. Cohen Priva & E. Gleason
The indirect effect of low information content on lenition processes
09:25 C. Cohen & M. Carlson
Emergent and categorical differences between English nouns and verbs
09:45 D. Hashimoto
Effects of social message predictability on probabilistic reduction
10:05 Break
10:10 A. Wedel & A. Ussishkin
Phonological grammars evolve to preserve information at word beginnings
10:35 M. Bell, S. Ben Hadia, & I. Plag
Predictability and boundary strength in English compound nouns
10:55 K. Franich
Coordinative mode, phasing, and predictability across languages
11:15 A. Kilpatrick, S. Kawahara, R. Bundgaard-Nielsen, B. Baker, & J. Fletcher
Japanese perceptual epenthesis is modulated by transitional probability
11:35 Break
11:45 Roundtable introduction
11:55 Roundtable discussion:
Defining and measuring predictability
12:30 Workshop ends


Scott Seyfarth
Ohio State University

Elizabeth Hume
Ohio State University

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