New Developments in Speech Sensing and Imaging

LabPhon16 Satellite event

June 23, 09:00 - 12:30
Room Mapoteca B2, Library building

Short description:

Articulatory data are critical to our understanding of speech production, but investigating the vocal tract is a challenging task because the articulators differ widely in their anatomy and physiology. In recent times, engineering physics and biomedical engineering have been revolutionizing the way we record, visualize, and measure the function of some organs of the human body using, for example, photoacoustic imaging or microwave tomography. However, most novel methods and technologies in medical imaging are not designed with the investigation of the speech organs in mind. The workshop aims at closing this gap, and gathers scientists from different research areas in order to create a synergy on new techniques and tools for the visual representations of the vocal tract and the dynamics of articulators, as well as the detection of speech signals.

Call for papers

Abstract submission deadline: February 11, 2018 **EXTENDED: February 21, 2018**
Notifications of acceptance: March 15, 2018
Workshop program announced: March 30, 2018



Lorenzo Spreafico
ALPS, Alpine Laboratory of Phonetic Sciences, Free University of Bozen - Bolzano

Michael Pucher
ARI, Acoustics Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences

Alessandro Vietti
ALPS, Alpine Laboratory of Phonetic Sciences, Free University of Bozen - Bolzano

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