Symposium for Celebrating Mary Beckman’s Contributions to Laboratory Phonology

LabPhon16 Satellite event

June 19, 14:00 - 18:00
Amphitheater II, Main building

Short description:

This Symposium is to honor Mary Beckman’s contribution to the field of Laboratory Phonology. Mary Beckman, together with John Kingston, organized the first conference in Laboratory Phonology in 1987 and has been a driving force in moving the discipline forward through her research and teaching as well as being involved in the Association for Laboratory Phonology. There will be eleven talks and commentary, covering the span of over 30 years of research in the field, beginning with research leading up to the first conference. Eleven talks and several personal speeches and video greetings will be presented by Mary Beckman’s former students and collaborators.



Sun-Ah Jun

Ken de Jong
Indiana University

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ADFLUL - Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa | NIF 506305252