Call and guidelines
Abstract Submission
Deadline: November 15, 2017 **New deadline – November, 25**
Notification of acceptance: February 15, 2018
Abstract submission is now open for the 16th Conference on Laboratory Phonology. LabPhon16 will feature thematic and non-thematic sessions of oral presentations (15-minutes plus 5-minutes for discussion) and poster presentations. Submissions on any aspect of laboratory phonology are welcome. Contributions relating to the conference themes are encouraged, as well as student submissions. Reduced registration fees are available for students, and a number of travel grants will be awarded on a competitive basis for graduate student presenters. See the Call for papers.
Abstract submission guidelines:
- Abstracts should be written in English and not exceed one page of text (A4). References, examples and/or figures can optionally be included on a second page. Please use the MS Office Word template provided below.
- Submitted abstracts must be in .pdf format, with Times New Roman font, size 12, 1 inch margins and single spacing.
- The filename must be in the form ''Paper_title.pdf'' (e.g., Articulatory_binding.pdf)
- Do not include author names or affiliations, and submit abstracts as property-free PDF files.
- During the submission process authors should identify which conference theme(s), if any, their submission relates to, and whether an abstract is submitted for oral presentation, poster presentation, or either.
- Please provide between three and five keywords that best characterize your submission.
- Authors may submit one abstract as first author, and may be co-author on more than one abstract.
Click here to download the abstract template
Click here to access the LabPhon16 EasyChair site
Workshop proposals
**NEW DEADLINE**: November 7, 2017
Deadline for workshop proposals: November 1, 2017
Workshop notification of acceptance: November 15, 2017
Workshop proposal guidelines:
- Submit a brief description of the event, written in English, and not exceeding two A4 pages
- Include the workshop’s title, the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the organizer(s), and a description of the workshop's structure, purpose and goals.
- In addition, provide a 100-word abstract.
- Specify the preferred workshop date: June 19 or June 23.
- Provide an estimated number of participants.
Please submit your proposal via email in pdf format to
The organizing committee of LabPhon16 and the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon will provide the meeting space and advertisement of the workshop on the LabPhon16 website. All other tasks related to the organization of the workshop are the responsibility of the organizer(s). Questions related to satellite workshop proposals can be addressed to (please mention ‘satellite workshop’ in the subject of your message).