Welcome to the Portuguese ToBI | team

This website was created by the Laboratório de Fonética of Centro de Linguística of University of Lisbon, within the InAPoP project (Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of Portuguese), funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, coordinated by Sónia Frota.


Coordinator Sónia Frota (University of Lisbon)
Team Pedro Oliveira (University of Lisbon)
  Marisa Cruz (University of Lisbon)
  Marina Vigário (University of Lisbon)
  Flaviane Fernandes-Svartman (University of São Paulo)
  Nádia Barros (University of Lisbon)
  Verònica Crespo-Sendra (University of Lisbon)
  Joelma Castelo (University of Lisbon)


Frota, Sónia, Pedro Oliveira, Marisa Cruz & Marina Vigário. 2015. P-ToBI: tools for the transcription of Portuguese prosody. Lisboa: Laboratório de Fonética, CLUL/FLUL. ISBN: 978-989-95713-9-6. [http://labfon.letras.ulisboa.pt/InAPoP/P-ToBI/]