Tools for the transcription of Portuguese prosody
Tonal representation

Portuguese prosodic structure is characterized by right-headed prosodic phrases with which events in the tonal string are related. Across sentence-types and varieties, the nuclear pitch accent occurs at the right edge of the intonational phrase. The exception is sentences with narrow/contrastive focus, that may show an early nucleus.

There are 15 commonly occurring nuclear contours, which can be described as a combination of pitch accent and boundary tone. Please click on the representation to view and listen to an annotated example.
Nuclear contours

H+L* L%

H*+L L%

H+L* H%

H+L* LH%

H+L* HL%

L*+H L%

L*+H LH%

L*+H H%

L*+H HL%

(L+)H* L%

(L+)H* !H%

L* L%

L* LH%

L* HL%

L* H%