Tools for the transcription of Portuguese prosody
Phonological Phrase

Phonological phrase formation in Portuguese applies within the maximal projection of a lexical head (Lexmax). A phonological phrase (PhP) includes the lexical head, the elements on the head’s nonrecursive side within Lexmax, and a following nonbranching phrase also within the Lexmax domain. The inclusion of the latter depends on a weight condition on PhPs: if possible, a PhP should contain more material than a PW. By default, prominence within the PhP is rightmost, that is, the final PW is the head of the phonological phrase.
In P-ToBI, a Phonological Phrase break corresponds to level 3 in the break index tier. In BP varieties, a low tonal boundary may mark the right edge of the Phonological Phrase in utterances with an early focus (L-), whereas in most EP varieties only the Intonational Phrase shows tonal boundary marking. It has been abundantly shown in the literature on Portuguese intonation that the (related) notions of intermediate phrase and phrase accent play no role in the grammar of the language.

Task: Reading Task Task
Semantic interpretation: Broad-focus statement
Variety: Lisbon (Standard European Portuguese)
Utterance: A nora loura falava do namorado.
Translation: The blonde-haired daughter-in-law spoked about boyfriend.